【東方與西方的心靈交會】—Paths to understanding Buddhism in Taiwan

Join in our Saturday meetings–
Paths to understanding Buddhism in Taiwan


“Gaya Youth Light Up Circle” is a place for young people to get to know Buddhism in Taiwan. This is a branch organization of Gaya Foundation, established by the Luminary Buddhist Bhikkuni Sangha, which has been devoting to Buddhist education and publication for thirty years.

We feel that it is more needed than ever to enhance the connection between Buddhism and our fast-changing society nowadays. Therefore, we would like to invite young people from Taiwan and other countries to get together, and to discuss issues related to Buddhism in Taiwan as a way of cultural and language exchange, in the hopes that this may provoke different aspects of thinking for the young while being faced with various problems in the daily lives.

We sincerely welcome you to the Gaya Youth Light Up Circle and have a good time with us.
Time: 11/2012/111/152/12 (Saturday) 15:00~17:00
For free
Language: 華語(Mandarin)English
Location: Gaya Youth Light Up Circle (near NTNU)
    1F., No.116, Chaozhou St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City (台北市大安區潮州街1161F)
Contact info: gayajharna@gmail.com (Jharna) 
                     or Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youthgaya

1.      2010/11/20 15:00~17:00
An introduction to Buddhism in Taiwan and the
vegetarian culture; vegetarian cooking D.I.Y   
2.      2010/12/11 15:00~17:00
Buddhist music and chantings; guided mediations
3.      2011/1/15 15:00~17:00
Buddhist architecture and ritual objects; a Buddhist center visit
4.      2011/2/12 15:00~17:00
Buddhism and Taiwan‘s society; cultural sharing
本篇發表於 快樂學活趣。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

【東方與西方的心靈交會】—Paths to understanding Buddhism in Taiwan 有 1 則回應

  1. Savion 說道:

    That’s really srehwd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

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